BIBLE Unauthorized Version
Jewish Humor Comics
This project contributes to new generations to approach the Biblical Text through a contemporary language of comediality and comics. Our version also brings back the "lost sheep" by Jewish Humor. Adam Grzybowski and Luis GoLDman are friends for over 20 years, they are also partners in many productions, such as: exhibitions, books of art, theater performances, festivals and concerts. Brazilians, they were born in Polland and Argentina, respectively, these underdog  cariocas  released, in 1992, the first brazilian Jewish Humor comic book: "And G’od created the Jews, and never rested again". As both are Bible book lovers, they gave birth to this Unauthorized Version. Letting the reader make a review of this work. To the eyes of G'od nothing shall escape.

Bible Unauthorized Version by Grzybowski and GoLdman